Sunday, December 27, 2015

Thanksgiving in AZ

The Klatts joined us for Thanksgiving, we were eager to use all the new kitchen goodies from the wedding. We had a great day snacking and watching football.
prepping potatoes

stuffing: used sourdough and a baguette, little bit of apple, hot Italian sausage 

wrapped turkey with salt pork then cheesecloth

Steph made an awesome cranberry sauce

all done!

Grandma Jene carved the bird

beautiful spread

picked up a 55" smart tv for $350!

turkey broth, cooked it overnight with the veggie scraps

Sunday, December 13, 2015


Steph - L, Joe - R
 Dan came down from Flagstaff for the weekend. We decided to fire up the grill!

Smoked chix wings, salmon, pork, probably more
A friend of ours had a huge party at a nearby hotel, Zombie Bride and Pirate Dan:
I was the wizard, think you guys have seen pictures already :)