Thursday, November 5, 2015

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Honeymoon - Denver

And you thought the honeymoon was over! Before heading back to work we spent a weekend in one of our favorite cities, a place we miss dearly, Denver!

I posted this pic so you could see my haircut. About an hour after we got back to Scottsdale, I made an appointment to chop all my hair off. Turns out it was long enough to donate to locks of love! In total I got 12" cut off.

We met up with Coopers and went to Avery!

Mmmmm pumpkin beer!

We did the self lead tour.

Hop vomit?

We had SO much fun with Violet.  She was very comfortable and always wanted to sit by both of us.  Joe and I always argue over who she likes more.  I think she definitely liked me more this trip because she kept wanting me to read to her :)

We love and miss you Violet! (and Erica and Carter too!)

We also met up with some MSU friends and went to Blake Street for the game, but no pics of that. 

Now we're back home and finally caught up.  Lately our lives consists of lots of cooking/baking, organizing all the homegoods we have, enjoying the 80 degree weather, and tending to our new community garden plot!

Honeymoon - Sequoia National Park

Mmmmm Korean food!

The drive was very beautiful.  Just before the park there was a lake/recreation area but the lake was almost all dried up.  You could really see the effects of the drought. 

We weren't sure if we were thinking of the right park because the trees at the beginning of the park were so tiny and very unimpressive. 

We just needed to go up a few thousand feet!

This is how big a sequoia trunk is!

Tree hugger at heart :)

The famous General Sherman, one of the oldest, tallest, widest trees in the whole world!

And that about wraps up our road trip. We both decided we'll definitely be doing this again at some point in our lives, and highly recommend you all do it too! One of our favorite spots was San Diego and since it's only 5ish hours away, we'll definitely be back soon.

I'm so happy I've found someone to explore with for the rest of our lives.  On to the next adventure, whatever that is!